Gender Equality Award

[Translate to Englisch:] Pokal Gleichstellungspreis

Each year the University of Wuppertal awards the Gender Equality Award to support projects relating to gender equality including the reconciliation of family and student or professional life, to make them more visible and enhance future activities related to gender equality with the prize money.

The prize of 5,000 EUR is awarded for excellent innovative projects and structural measures in the field of gender equality.

These include in particular the following:

  • The particularly successful implementation of gender equality plans
  • Measures to improve the study conditions or employment situation of women
  • Projects in the field of university-related research on women and gender
  • Promotion of women in science and technology
  • Measures to increase the proportion of women in academic leading positions
  • Measures to improve the reconciliation of academic and family life

The Gender Equality Award can be awarded upon proposal to organisational units, whose individual members have strengthened gender equality measures both visibly and sustainably through their outstanding commitment.

The organisational unit receiving the Gender Equality Award will be allocated a grant of 5,000 Euros. It has the amount freely at its disposal to finance measures of gender equality to be implemented at the university.


Prerequisites for applications

Individuals, groups and organisational units, with the exception of the Equal Opportunities Officer, may apply. The prize money generally goes to the organisational unit, school/central service or administrative unit.

The application must state the intended use of the prize money.

Student papers submitted for a degree cannot be taken into consideration for the award.


Uses of the prize money

The prize money can be used for the following

  • Further research
  • Conferences/workshops/congresses and their documentation
  • Contracts for services
  • Exhibition material
  • Seminars in continuing education
  • Temporary teaching appointments


Call for proposals and selection procedure

Applications must be sent to the Central Equal Opportunities Officer by 28 February 2023.

The Equal Opportunities Commission will review all applications and make a recommendation based on the above-mentioned criteria. The Rectorate will make the final decision.

The Rector of the University of Wuppertal awards the Gender Equality Prize at a public event.


Guidelines for the application

The recommendation should include a presentation of previous achievements and a short description of the intended use of the money.

Chronological list of all award winners: