Promotion of young people

For the promotion of young female talents, the University of Wuppertal relies on targeted funding programmes and an incentive system, which is a central component of academic personnel development oriented towards equality and diversity.

With its excellence programme “Appointment and Career” (“Berufung und Karriere”), the Science Career Center aims to support talented (junior) researchers in developing and planning their career and specifically prepare them to take up a professorship.

Researchers from Wuppertal can apply for the SelmaMeyerMentoring programme, which runs in cooperation with the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf and supports young female researchers in planning and developing their academic or non-academic career. A certain quota of places is offered for this programme.

The university’s own promotion programme “Qualität, Anreiz und Erfolg” (“Quality, Incentive, and Success”) was launched in 2006. The setting includes the Equality Award for excellent, innovative projects and structural measures in the field of promotion of equal opportunities for women. The allowance for conference trips supports doctoral candidates when travelling in Germany and abroad.

The poster exhibitions “Wir sind MINT - Doktorandinnen der Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften” (“We are STEM – Doctoral researchers in Mathematics and Natural Sciences”) and “Wir sind MINT II – Doktorandinnen der Ingenieur- und Technikwissenschaften” (“We are STEM II - Doctoral researchers in Engineering and Technical Sciences”) present their research.