[Translate to Englisch:] Wir sind MINT: Doktorandinnen der Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften präsentieren ihre Forschung

2012 „Wir sind MINT“ I

The poster exhibition was held under the slogan “Wir sind MINT - Doktorandinnen der Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften” (“We are STEM I - Doctoral researchers in Mathematics and Natural Sciences”) and took place from 13 June until 15 July 2012 at the library of the University of Wuppertal. In addition to the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Unit and the Centre for Graduate Studies (ZSG), the Dean’s Office of the School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences was entrusted with the organisation of the exhibition.

All doctoral students of the “School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences” could participate in the exhibition. This opportunity was communicated via a public “Call for Posters”. A team of experts, consisting of graphic designers and marketing experts assisted the participants in creating the posters and preparing the presentations.

For one month, 22 female doctoral students in mathematics and natural sciences presented their current research projects. The visitors to the exhibition were able to decide which poster should be awarded a prize. They could vote either on-site or online on the exhibition’s webpage.

As part of the closing ceremony, two students were honoured with awards, each of which included a prize money of 250 €. Evelyn Núñez Benavides, doctoral candidate at the chair of food chemist Prof Dr Michael Petz, won the award in the category “Best poster design” for her poster on the topic “Chili’s more than hot: Flavour characterization of chilli powder and paprika.” („Chili mehr als nur scharf: Geschmackliche Charakterisierung von Chili- und Paprikapulvern“). Sarah Reitz, doctoral candidate of the research group Didactics and History of Mathematics, was awarded the prize for her poster “Die Mathe-Akademie: Do it yourself“ (“The math academy: do it yourself”).

2014 "Wir sind MINT II"