Objectives and benefits

[Translate to Englisch:] Logo "Ich werde Professorin"

The project’s objectives and benefits

Talented schoolgirls should be encouraged to consider an academic career for their employment biography and to overcome the narrowness of perspective regarding their career choice, which is often associated with the female sex.

Despite partially achieving better grades at school, girls still do not set their professional goals as high as boys do. They are rarely encouraged to appreciate their talents and strengths and exploit their individual potential or urged to invest into their professional future by setting themselves ambitious goals.

For that reason, it is of particular importance to outline female students the chances and opportunities of an academic career and provide orientation towards a guideline at an early stage.

In addition, the project aims to:

  • Motivate highly effective young people to join science in order to promote gifted students
  • Increase schoolgirls’ interest in studying in general and in STEM subjects in particular
  • Enhance cooperations between the University of Wuppertal and schools in the region, if they are interested in supporting academically gifted students
  • Improve concepts to prepare schoolgirls for a university course, by decreasing the dropout rate and thereby improving the education system

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