The Ochadai index

A checklist for universities and research institutions to create a better working environment for women

Evaluations are the most important quality assurance tool in organisations. They allow to reflect one’s strengths and weaknesses in selected fields with the intention to optimize goals, structures and processes.

With regard to the work in gender equality, The University of Wuppertal bases its gender equality work on an international index for assessing gender equality developed by its partner university Ochanomizu in Tokyo. The Ochadai index is used as a self-assessment instrument and permits the review of processes, structures and individual measures for effectiveness.

The Ochanomizu University is one of the most prestigious universities in Japan and has taken a leading role in gender equality for several years now. The COSMOS project (Career Opportunity Support Model from Ochanomizu Scientists), which was launched in 2006, established a system to offer female scientists efficient support.  As part of this project, an index for the measurement of current working conditions of women at universities and research institutions was developed. The checklist comprises 50 items and includes facts and techniques of organisational development, which are suitable to provide a better working environment to women. By means of self-evaluation, institutions can examine their organisational and funding structure including different gender equality aspects.

The University of Wuppertal obtained 85 of 100 possible points during its self-evaluation and received the top score of 85 out of 100 points with regard to a women-friendly working environment: “The institution provides an exceptionally full range of support, and may be considered to have a women-friendly work environment."

Please find detailed results of the University of Wuppertal’s self-evaluation below:

Self-evaluation Ochadai index