Gender equality concepts and standards

Future Gender Equality Concept

The University of Wuppertal developed a Future Gender Equality Concept, which has been evaluated positively under the Programme for Female Professors (Professorinnenprogramm III) financed jointly by the Federal Government and the Federal States. In this regard, the University of Wuppertal was awarded the rating “Gleichstellung Ausgeszeichnet!” (excellent gender equality) as one out of ten universities throughout Germany.

The main objectives of the Future Gender Equality Concept is to raise the proportion of women in academic leading positions continuously, to recruit new female junior researchers and support them during their career in the best possible way. Throughout this process, the University of Wuppertal has not only enhanced the portfolio of its equality-oriented structures and measures, but has followed new paths in order to make them more effective. In addition to this, the university becomes more family-friendly and the internationalisation of gender equality efforts is expanded.

Gender equality vision for the future

Gender concept

The University of Wuppertal developed and proceeded with an advanced gender equality concept, which has been evaluated positively under the Programme for Female Professors (Professorinnenprogamm III) and is jointly financed by the Federal Government and the Federal States. The gender concept provides a comprehensive overview of the programmes and projects initiated at the University of Wuppertal to address gender equality and mentions strategically important future actions. It is mainly aimed at improving women’s participation at all qualification levels, at attracting more women to academic studies in the STEM subjects and supporting them during their studies and at ensuring a better reconciliation of private and professional life.

Implementing and updating the gender concept


Research-oriented standards on gender equality

With its gender concept, the University of Wuppertal has adopted the research-oriented equality standards of the German Research Foundation (DFG) in order to ensure a lasting support of equality.

The final report on the implementation of research-oriented standards on gender equality provides information on the stage of development of actions and to which extend they were implemented, to which extend the proportion of women in science was increased and on the perspectives for future development of the gender concept.

The implementation of equality standards at the University of Wuppertal were rated as exemplary by the German Research Foundation (DFG). According to the experts’ assessment, the university is in the leading group (stage 4). This stage is defined as a state of development where an already established concept is continued and supplemented by other innovative approaches.

Final report on the university's gender conept

Print versions are available at the Equal Opportunities Office.