Frauen*referat organisiert Online-Vorträge "Two Case Studies of Communitarian Feminism: Bolivia and Guatemala"

08.10.2021|10:05 Uhr

13. und 14. Oktober, 10 Uhr via Zoom

Das Frauen*referat lädt alle Interessierten zu den zwei Vorträgen "Two Case Studies of Communitarian Feminism: Bolivia and Guatemala" am 13. und 14 Oktober um 10 Uhr (1h) ein.

Communitarian feminism proposes a feminist practice that derives from the reality in which indigenous and peasant women who build communitarian and multilingual forms of life live in Abya Yala. In other words, it seeks to create a counter-hegemonic feminism that questions the representation of the feminist subject within the stereotypes of white, middle-class, heterosexual women. In this way, they recognize the community’s own history and its practices of resistance to confront the colonial and patriarchal substratum, making visible the collective rights to which women’s rights are added.

This seminar consists of two sessions. In the first one, Diego Falconí will address the origin of communitarian feminism through the Comunidad Mujeres Creando Comunidad (CMCC), which emerged in Bolivia in 1992 under the leadership of Julieta Paredes, and its various stages. In the second session, Tania Pleitez Vela will refer to the case of Guatemala, specifically to the so-called ancestral patriarchy and the counterpoints derived from the proposals of Aura Cumes and Lorena Cabnal.

Da die Vorträge international besetzt sind und im Rahmen der AG Intersectionality stattfinden, werden die Referent*innen Tania Pleitez Vela und Diego Falconí auf englisch vortragen.

Seminar: Two Case Studies of Communitarian Feminism: Bolivia and Guatemala
Uhrzeit: 13.Okt..2021 10:00 AM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rom, Stockholm, Wien
13.Okt..2021 10:00 AM
14.Okt..2021 10:00 AM

Zoom-Meeting beitreten

Meeting-ID: 955 6924 5621
Passwort: rPr6ipFq

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